Saturday, March 29, 2014

Shapes and Gestures

Sound fills physical and temporal spaces.

The listener responds according to temperament and individual aesthetic sense, and, as is generally the case with musical compositions, in rapport with widely ranging sensibilities.

But there are contrasts between music for stylistic expression and atmospheric sound compositions, namely the purposes and sonic effects of each.  One dominates attention (and this is the case with a number of ambient forms), while the other enhances state of mind and being.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Connect and Disconnect

Observe those so dependent upon technology for communication they cut themselves off from the outside world.

This is clearly an effect of continuous, selective absorption of information through various electronic media, a diminishing of consciousness reflecting subjection to immediacy, the instantaneous direct involvement and vicarious participation in representations of culture interconnected media systems afford. The individual accustomed to such constant, passive stimuli is rendered insensible, to some extent, to direct perception and communication.

Rather than contribute to the stultifying effects of scenarios like these, I am interested in developing artistic compositions in sound that direct the percipient toward full and heightened awareness and experience.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Form, Reason, Insight, Expression

Consider the sine qua non of moral reason to existential matters. Still, its limits are clear.

The essential nature of intellect and the capacity to grasp the nature of reality through thought and evaluative judgement can hardly be overstated, but there is no doubt that conscience, intuition, and direct perception advance awareness and understanding beyond linguistic apprehension.

Well-balanced aesthetic sensibility reflects as well as appreciates this contrariety in both means of knowing and ways of articulating artistic perspectives.   For the artist as composer, this balance is the nexus of meaning within the work.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Art and Action

One muses, one gives due consideration to ideas, thinks creatively, and communicates.

Environments conducive to contemplative thought allow free reign of imagination and conscious focus of attention, so atmosphere can make a vital contribution to such things as problem solving, analysis and evaluative work, conversation, and reading. The aforementioned activities, being essential to any information-based culture, require the vitality of sound compositions that specifically enhance state of mind and critical thinking.

The composition and production of music serve innumerable purposes, yet most are directly related to entertainment and diversion.  Increasingly, the evolution of culture will demand changes in the arts of sound to accommodate that progress, and the art of listening will change accordingly.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Reflections and Shadows

There are schools of thought that consider disorder and distracted states of mind to be cultural norms that an unspecified "we" must acclimate ourselves to in order to cope with contemporary reality.

Supercilious posturing and rationalizations concerning failures of self-possession and restraint aside, it remains for the artist to counter untenable views and simplistic visions by example.

Works representing clarity of consciousness and moral reason afford far greater understanding than argumentation and debate allow.  One capable of original thought will exercise that ability.

Monday, March 24, 2014


Abandoned military vehicle parked at the edge of the woods, seen across an open field.

Suddenly, perspective changes; senses are heightened, and sounds of whippoorwill and insect appear very clear and close.  Yet nothing extraordinary is taking place, beyond a quickening of consciousness.  A zone is crossed and a transition from one state of being to another occurs.

Men appear in service uniforms, place surveyor's tools in the back of the vehicle. The engine engages; sound of approach.  They wave.  Friendly.  They drive away; the sound of the motor recedes down the road.  Now crickets, tree frogs, perhaps.  Rustle of leaves.  Distant drone of air traffic.

Conversation turns to other things, and sounds go unattended.

Such is one example of the manner in which sounds may be perceived with altered awareness; when listening attention turns to sound settings that contrast with the paradigms of music and expectations are set aside, the peculiar force of auditory perception is enhanced in striking ways.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Imagery in Consciousness

Sound is ephemeral, but leaves lingering impressions.

In its familiar forms, sound is structured to seize and hold attention, and is thus focused on patterns played out in time as a vehicle for expression of idea and emotion, whether simple or sophisticated, utilizing the same elements of music.

Lay aside these common elements, and observe how formlessness in sound liberates thought and feeling, releasing awareness within atmospheres conducive to contemplative activities.