Abandoned military vehicle parked at the edge of the woods, seen across an open field.
Suddenly, perspective changes; senses are heightened, and sounds of whippoorwill and insect appear very clear and close. Yet nothing extraordinary is taking place, beyond a quickening of consciousness. A zone is crossed and a transition from one state of being to another occurs.
Men appear in service uniforms, place surveyor's tools in the back of the vehicle. The engine engages; sound of approach. They wave. Friendly. They drive away; the sound of the motor recedes down the road. Now crickets, tree frogs, perhaps. Rustle of leaves. Distant drone of air traffic.
Conversation turns to other things, and sounds go unattended.
Such is one example of the manner in which sounds may be perceived with altered awareness; when listening attention turns to sound settings that contrast with the paradigms of music and expectations are set aside, the peculiar force of auditory perception is enhanced in striking ways.
Suddenly, perspective changes; senses are heightened, and sounds of whippoorwill and insect appear very clear and close. Yet nothing extraordinary is taking place, beyond a quickening of consciousness. A zone is crossed and a transition from one state of being to another occurs.
Men appear in service uniforms, place surveyor's tools in the back of the vehicle. The engine engages; sound of approach. They wave. Friendly. They drive away; the sound of the motor recedes down the road. Now crickets, tree frogs, perhaps. Rustle of leaves. Distant drone of air traffic.
Conversation turns to other things, and sounds go unattended.
Such is one example of the manner in which sounds may be perceived with altered awareness; when listening attention turns to sound settings that contrast with the paradigms of music and expectations are set aside, the peculiar force of auditory perception is enhanced in striking ways.