Monday, February 08, 2016

The Anvil into Tartarus

Culture will not be chained; it moves at the pace of those who are free to create.

Within living memory, the music industry plunged into an abyss of failure from which it will never recover as a direct result of attempts to define and manipulate culture to the advantage of insular controlling interests.  The result was what remains, an assembly line producing predictability and relentless tedium.

This fact allows for no sympathy whatsoever, other than for generations of artists and listeners who will have very little experience with more than the most shallow and vapid reflections of authentic musical expression.

The truth is simple: one does not control culture, but defends it and allows it to progress according to its own lights.  Yet, even now, this same scenario is unfolding in practically every aspect of culture, including the worlds of art, politics, academics, sports, and, of course, communications media.

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