Connectivity is not creativity. Not by a long shot.
Effortlessness renders expression dubious, spotlighting its impermanence and eviscerating its power.
If my concepts are not given due consideration, if my music is not in your ears, I accomplish nothing, as far as "connectivity" and other such claptrap goes.
And far more than wasted effort is in progress; here, now, and at all times, one must move forward.
Promoveo, promovi, promotum.
Effortlessness renders expression dubious, spotlighting its impermanence and eviscerating its power.
If my concepts are not given due consideration, if my music is not in your ears, I accomplish nothing, as far as "connectivity" and other such claptrap goes.
And far more than wasted effort is in progress; here, now, and at all times, one must move forward.
Promoveo, promovi, promotum.