Popular innovations are few.
For commercial purposes, and particularly in terms of musical forms, the rule is imitation, and thus works and performances are relegated to genre. In the arts, this is indefensible.
There is no breathing room in such narrow confines. Survival is one thing, and commercial viability is another. But to create, really innovate on an individualistic, heightened level of awareness, one must break away altogether, even if no form exists in which to function.
Such forms, which are as yet unimagined, must be made real.
For commercial purposes, and particularly in terms of musical forms, the rule is imitation, and thus works and performances are relegated to genre. In the arts, this is indefensible.
There is no breathing room in such narrow confines. Survival is one thing, and commercial viability is another. But to create, really innovate on an individualistic, heightened level of awareness, one must break away altogether, even if no form exists in which to function.
Such forms, which are as yet unimagined, must be made real.