Every environmental setting possesses unique ambience and mood.
One need not look beyond one's own familiar environs to grasp the unique character of a place, even in terms of different times of the day. Variations may be profound, and these afford the composer singular sounds and associated events for contemplative reflection and artistic expression.
Treasures to be illuminated, the myriad aural images, both subtle and startling, to be discovered in diverse places, serve as reminders of each individual's distinctive perceptions and perspectives.
These are the spirits of time and place that contribute to the essences of geographic reality and the human experience, regardless of their historic backgrounds or personal connections. If these prove distractions, set them aside, and engage the extraordinary qualities of atmosphere in the fullness of their presence.
One need not look beyond one's own familiar environs to grasp the unique character of a place, even in terms of different times of the day. Variations may be profound, and these afford the composer singular sounds and associated events for contemplative reflection and artistic expression.
Treasures to be illuminated, the myriad aural images, both subtle and startling, to be discovered in diverse places, serve as reminders of each individual's distinctive perceptions and perspectives.
These are the spirits of time and place that contribute to the essences of geographic reality and the human experience, regardless of their historic backgrounds or personal connections. If these prove distractions, set them aside, and engage the extraordinary qualities of atmosphere in the fullness of their presence.