Saturday, July 21, 2012

Artifice Corresponding to the Natural

Generative music is the result of programming alone, whereas transformation sound design is manipulated by the composer for aesthetic purposes.

Creative work that is a product of inquiry, speculation, observation and exploration ultimately reflects, in its development, the sensibility of the artist.

As to the Black Mountain School project there is a conscious effort to shape and produce tone-poem environments that emerge and evolve as sounds do in the wild, as it were, or as tonal forms evoking movements and settings regarded in terms of peculiar, non-musical perceptions.

Examples would include such things as wind in trees, traffic noises, birds and insects, as well as patterns describing any type of natural or social activity. Other events-- like changes in the quality of light, architectural structures and textures, meteorological effects and states of mind-- are treated as aural possibilities as well.

Fundamentally, it is a search for different ways of listening and hearing that emerges in these compositions.