Thursday, May 24, 2012

Ephemeral, Enduring

Vibration, perception, impression, memory.

Recordings reproduce sounds exactly as constructed; it is the composition that retains interest, and may be perceived differently by the listener over time.

When a work continues to expand and become richer with repeated listening, it connects intimately and meaningfully with the listener's consciousness.  It remains elusive, ineffable, in the way of art.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Elements and Impressions 

Sound echoes experience.

Noise at a crosswalk.  Wind and rain.  Conversation on a flight, above the ocean.  Hot afternoon, windows open, stillness broken by traffic.  Chimes, telephones, guitars.  Strange sounds and tones difficult to identify.  Hummingbird chittering among flowers, floors and walls settling, friendly laughter.

Spin these threads into tapesteries lifting on breezes.