Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Film, Sound, and Thought

Combinations of auditory and visual imagery suggest, as do word combinations and connections in poetry, multiple possibilities and levels of meaning through concrete and abstract impressions.

In cinema and television applications, narrative pace, characterization and plot drive the action, as they do in theater productions, but these are translated through mediums that provide more possibilities in presentation than direct performance.  Lighting, camera angles, sound, and sound effects distort and color perceptions, producing a different total effect than that of works onstage.

The art made manifest in the combinations of sound and images as they change and move is of equal importance to all other elements of the film, and in some productions it is the central element around which the themes of the work arise. 

The term soundtrack cannot adequately convey the significance of this aspect of the work, given its critical contribution to the overall artistic statement made by the production.  Still, musical clichés are often the norm, metaphorical tones, sound sequences and textures that enhance mise-en-scène are rarely brought to bear artistically-- in even the more imaginative screenplays-- and subtlety is too frequently sacrificed for overwrought intensity, particularly in generating suspense.

As always, everything depends upon the vision of the artist or artists involved.

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