Monday, February 25, 2013

Sounds Before and Behind

At any given moment it is quite possible to pause and take notice of sensory perceptions previously ignored, unseen, and unheard.

Reflections may be heard as well as seen.  Changes in atmosphere may be felt, and nuance of voice will indicate attitude and emotion. All such things may be consciously perceived, just as they may be afforded conscious responses, heightening experience immediately and over time, if broader, deeper consciousness is desirable enough to warrant attention.

Elevated awareness of this type is within human capacity, and not merely a lost "survival skill" of our human ancestors.

To be regularly removed from chaos, confusion, and the burden of disorderly surroundings, even if for short periods, results in clarity and lucidity becoming predominate in approaching the phenomena of existence.  The senses gain acuity, as do intellectual and emotional perspectives.

As composer and percipient, I desire to design musical sounds that excite the sensory and reasoning faculties.  Now, as always, these are essential to fullness of being.